*Week 11- The Middle Ages

Good Morning!

The Middle Ages…. a time of change in the world.  So much in so many different places.  We learned what was happening in the church on Friday, and so this week we will continue to learn about the Middle Ages and important figures during that time.

Rome has fallen!!!! Europe is going through many changes and the Franks are on the rise.


*This week you will be working on journal entries and vocabulary words. 



Dark Ages (journal entry)

Read and take notes on the Dark Ages

Remember the church is the body of believers not a building or organization

Read and take notes on the Power of the Church

Feudalism( journal entry)

Read and take notes on Feudal Society

Also read and take notes on Feudal System

Take quiz and tell me in the comment section what you got

Middle Ages (journal entry)

Read and take notes on Daily Life in the Middle Ages

Take quiz and tell me in the comment section what you got



481- Clovis and the Merovingians (Journal Entry)

Clovis was a Frank ( a Germanic tribe that moved to Gaul as the Roman Empire collapsed)

In spite of the Franks bringing down the western Roman Empire, the Merovingian rulers were known as the “do-nothing” kings.  They were more interested in immortal pleasures and had no energy to rule their kingdom.  Thus it fell into the hands of Charles Martel.

Charles Martel (journal entry)

Charles Martel restored the Frankish Empire.  He is most famous for halting a Muslim invasion of Europe.  The Moors (Muslims from North Africa) over the next several years, invaded and conquered the Iberian Peninsula.  Charles gathered a Frankish army to combat the invading Muslims at the Battle of Tours.  He earned the name Martel, which means “the Hammer”.

Pepin the Short (journal entry)

Pepin the Short was the son of Charles Martel and the next in line for kingship.  He brought about the Carolingian line of Frankish kings.  During his reign, there was an alliance between the Frankish rulers and the papacy.  This was initiated by Clovis’ conversion and was the influence that changed the course of European history during the Middle Ages.

Read and add information to your journal entries about the Franks

Take this quiz 

In comment section tell me what you scored



Charlemagne- the greatest of the Carolingian kings(journal entry)

Pepin the Short’s son and an important figure of the Middle Ages.

Watch this video on Charlemagne

Use these questions to add information to your journal

What took place on Christmas Day 800 A.D?

Charlemagne went around ruthlessly “converting” people to Christianity.  Everywhere he conquered Roman churches sprang up.  He was known as “the leader of the Christian people” and “defender of the churches of Christ”.

Read and add information to your journal about Charlemagne

Take the quiz and tell me in the comment section what you got



Otto the Great (journal entry)

Watch this video on Otto the Great  https://youtu.be/LLMkOq8EwaE


What were the accomplishments of Otto the Great?  How do you think this impacted world history?

It did not take long for the Holy Roman Empire to decline.  Toward the end of the Middle Ages the papacy and the power it held, declined because of the worldliness the popes indulged in.  They distorted Christianity and became corrupt.  Because of this, people lost respect for the popes.

Add this to your journal

Read the following quotes by these Popes.  Then get your bible and find what scripture says about what they said- Does scripture agree or disagree?  Why?

Pope Innocent III  Quotes

Boniface VIII Quotes

Gregory VII  Quotes

These men where put in a place of authority that only God has.  We will see later in history how this authority proves to be ungodly and destructive.

See you tomorrow! 

Ms. Duran 

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