*Week 3- Egypt, Abraham, Jacob and Esau


Please research information on the pyramids and Menes and add to your journal.  If you have already started your journal, no problem, just add these 2 topics to the end of the week before your vocabulary or if you have already done the vocabulary just add after that. 


Good morning class! I hope that you are all enjoying this class and that you’re learning new things each week. 

Below is what you’ll be doing this week:

  1. Journaling

    *Journal should include the following in this order:

    Mummification, Abraham and Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, and Family Tree. 

2. Vocabulary week 3



One of the practices of the Egyptians was mummification. They believed that when you died you would go to “live” in the afterlife. So to prepare for this journey, they would preserve your body and prepare your tomb so that everything would be nice and ready when you arrived!

*Add this to your journal

Read about mummification here

Here are some details for your journal

1. Watch this video on mummification here




*Add this to your journal


Posts about abraham on Bible Study of Nicolás | Bible images, Bible  pictures, Biblical art

Abraham was the founding father of the Jewish faith.  He is considered a “patriarch” of the Hebrew nation. God did many things in and through Abraham’s life.

“Abram”, his original name, lived in Ur.  He was a descendant of Shem. Remember, Ur was a city in Sumer.  It was a wicked city full of idolatry, but God saw Abram and called him out of Ur. God promised to make him a great nation and a great name. Abram means “exalted father”, but God gave him a new name Abraham which means “father of a great nation.”

The Lord was going to give Abraham land that he would inherit.  Read Genesis 13:14-15 (you will write this in your journal under Abraham, start with “lift your eyes…”).  He inherited the land of Canaan. 

* It is important to know these verses in the Bible because the Jews still fight for the promise God made to Abraham.

Read Genesis 17:8.  God speaks about his descendants.  Abraham now married to Sarah or Sarai (“princess”) did not understand this.  Abraham was about 100 years old! Sarah was about 90 and they did not have any children.  How would his descendants inherit?

God is FAITHFUL and gave Abraham and Sarah a son and they named him Isaac (he was the son of promise).


Hagar and Ishmael

Image result for hagar and ishmael Read Genesis 16 the story of Hagar and Ishmael. Ishmael was Abraham’s first son, he is the father of the Arab nation(add this to your journal including v.12-this is regarding Ishmael)


Read Genesis 22, the story of how God tested Abraham’s faith.  This is an important story because Abraham and Isaac were a foreshadowing of the future salvation of the world. They were a picture of what God would later do with Jesus!




Jacob and Esau


Remember God promised Abraham would be a great nation?  Well lets do a family tree!

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Isaac grew up and married Rebekah.  They had twin sons Jacob and Esau. These were Abraham’s grandsons.

Esau was redheaded and very hairy. He was born first and loved to hunt and he was Isaac’s favorite.

Jacob was the opposite. He was smoothed skinned and was holding Esau’s foot when he was born (this was only the beginning of the struggle they would have as they grew). He was Rebekah’s favorite.

Because Esau was born first, he had the “birthright”, which gave him privilege in his fathers house at the time of his death. He would receive the greatest portion of the inheritance. Well, Jacob managed, by a bowl of stew, to deceive Esau into trading his birthright! Bad idea…. but part of God’s plan 😉

This proved to be a huge mistake on Esau’s part when it came time to receive his inheritance. Rebekah convinced Jacob to trick his father Isaac, by putting on goat skin to make it seem like he was hairy, and asking him for a blessing.  Isaac nearly blind and old, was convinced that it was Esau he was giving the blessing to (the rightful one to receive the blessing).

Jacob paid for his deceit!

  1. His brother hated him.
  2. He had to move away because he was afraid of his brother.
  3. When he wanted to marry Rachel, he was deceived, and was given Leah.
  4. He eventually married Rachel, but had to work many more years for her father Laban.

Both Rachel and Leah had children, but Jacob favored the children of Rachel (he loved her more!) This will be an issue later.

Jacob had 12 children in all- with Leah he had: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun. With Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin.  Then there were Dan, Nephatali, Gad and Asher. These are what will be the 12 tribes of Israel.

Do you know why they are called the 12 tribes of Israel? ( *tell me in the comment section)



Add this to your journal

Make a “patriarch” family tree! Be as creative as you would like…You may need to look up how to make a Family tree.  On Wednesday there is an example of what a family tree is…. add these names.

Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Rachel, Leah, Bilhah (Rachel’s Maidservant), Zilpah (Leah’s Maidservant), Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher.


Week 3 vocabulary


See you tomorrow!


Ms. Eunice 






10 thoughts on “*Week 3- Egypt, Abraham, Jacob and Esau

  1. They are called the 12 tribes of Israel because (It’s a little complicated, but I’ll try to explain) Jacob (the father) was renamed Israel by God so it’s called the 12 tribes of Israel because the dad’s name is Israel and the 12 tribes come from him. So when they got into the Promised land it was split into 12 sections. Each of Jacob’s sons got their own section (a tribe) but Levi didn’t because his tribe was the priestly tribe and so only the Levi tribe was allowed to offer sacrifices to the Lord. Since the Levi tribe were the only priests, they spread out into each section (tribe) and didn’t get their own section. Joseph technically got 2 tribes because his 2 sons (Ephraim and Manasseh) each got their own section. Joseph’s sons received his blessing from Jacob and each got their own section of land. So that is the explanation of the 12 tribes of Israel and I hope you understood it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. (Correction) They are named the Twelve Tribes of Israel after sons and grandsons of Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. Jacob had twelve sons. But Levi and Joseph did not have a tribe. Instead, God placed the Levites in charge of priestly duties. Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, did. They were Jacob’s grandsons.


  3. They are called the 12 tribes because Jacob had twelve sons, who are the twelve tribes. And Jacob’s name was changed to Israel so therefore they are called the 12 tribes of Israel.


  4. Do you know why they are called the 12 tribes of Israel?
    The reason they are called the 12 tribes of Israel is because Israel (formally known as Jacob) had 12 sons and they became the 12 tribes of Israel and Israel (the land), when they eventually got it, was divided into 12 different portions. Hopefully that was not too confusing.


  5. They are called the 12 tribes of Israel because of the 12 sons of Isaac. Isaac was renamed Israel for wrestling God. He had 12 sons who populated and became known as Israelites.


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